Slovene Writers’ Association
Tomšičeva 12
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev je strokovna organizacija slovenskih pisateljev. Njegov cilj je podpirati mrežo avtorjev v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru, zastopati njihove interese, spodbujati ustvarjalno svobodo in promocijo slovenske literature.
"_id": "’_Association",
"csi:Map": [
"csi:Logo": [
"File:Slovene Writers Association (logo).svg"
"csi:Town": [
"SI-1000 Ljubljana"
"rdf:type": [
"Articles maintained by Simon Žlahtič",
"Competition organisers",
"EU Creative Europe, Culture funding recipient",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Exhibition organisers",
"Festival organisers",
"Funding, professional and support services",
"Information offices",
"Literature competition organisers",
"Literature festival and event organisers",
"Literature festival organisers",
"Literature funding, professional and support services",
"Literature publishers",
"Literature support services",
"Literature venues",
"Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls",
"Professional associations",
"Professional literature associations",
"Support services",
"foaf:name": [
"Društvo slovenskih pisateljev"
"csi:Region": [
"foaf:phone": [
"+386 / 1 251 4144, 386 / 1 425 2340"
"rdfs:label": [
"Slovene Writers’ Association"
"swivt:page": [
"csi:Contact": [
"Društvo slovenskih pisateljev"
"csi:Country": [
"About Slovenia"
"csi:Page_ID": 78,
"vcard:email": [
"csi:Category": [
"Competition organisers",
"EU Creative Europe, Culture funding recipient",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Exhibition organisers",
"Festival organisers",
"Funding, professional and support services",
"Information offices",
"Literature competition organisers",
"Literature festival and event organisers",
"Literature festival organisers",
"Literature funding, professional and support services",
"Literature publishers",
"Literature support services",
"Literature venues",
"Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls",
"Professional associations",
"Professional literature associations",
"Support services",
"csi:Logo_url": [
"csi:TownName": [
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"csi:TeaserImg": [
"File:Slovene Writers’ Association 2020 Fair in the Fresh Air Photo Alenka Strukelj.jpg"
"foaf:homepage": [
"csi:TeaserText": [
"The Slovene Writers’ Association is the professional organisation of Slovene writers."
"csi:Teaser_slo": [
"Društvo slovenskih pisateljev je strokovna organizacija slovenskih pisateljev. Njegov cilj je podpirati mrežo avtorjev v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru, zastopati njihove interese, spodbujati ustvarjalno svobodo in promocijo slovenske literature."
"dc:description": [
"The [[Slovene Writers’ Association]] is the professional organisation of Slovene writers."
"vcard:latitude": [
"vcard:locality": [
"SI-1000 Ljubljana"
"csi:Established": [
"csi:Has_project": [
"Vilenica International Literary Award"
"csi:Revision_ID": 310759,
"vcard:longitude": [
"csi:Category_slo": [
"EU Financiranje",
"Profesionalna združenja",
"csi:Page_creator": [
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"vcard:postal-code": [
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"vcard:street-address": [
"Tomšičeva 12"
"swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [
"Slovene Writers’ Association"
"csi:Related_localnames": [
"Jenkova nagrada",
"Litterae slovenicae",
"Mednarodna literana nagrada Vilenica",
"Mednarodni literarni festival Vilenica",
"Nagrada Desetnica",
"Nagrada za najboljši literarni prvenec",
"Pisateljska štipendija SEP",
"Rezidenčni program Društva slovenskih pisateljev",
"Slovenski center PEN",
"Slovenski dnevi knjige",
"Stritarjeva nagrada"
"csi:Number_of_revisions": [
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